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What's a CodeballFrame?

CodeballFrames are subclasses of Pandas DataFrames. They have all the methods of a standard DataFrame, but have additional methods and attributes that make it easier to work, filter, and handle data from the game. The base class is BaseFrame, and the main CodeballFrame classes are TrackingFrame and EventsFrame. An important aspect of CodeballFrame, as it is the case for DataFrames, is that methods can be chained.


Attributes / properties

All CodeballFrame have 3 attributes:

  • records: this holds the records from the datasets created by Kloppy when reading in the data. This attribute is not passed to the result of any action that modifies the data frame.
  • metadata: this holds the metadata from the datasets created by Kloppy when reading in the data. This attribute is preserved when filtering or modifying the data frame. However is lost if the result is a series.
  • data_type: this indicates what type of data the data frame holds. For example DataType.TRACKING or DataType.EVENT


  • get_team_by_id
  • get_period_by_id
  • get_other_team_id


A CodeballFrame that holds tracking data.


  • team(): will return a TrackingFrame only containing the columns that have data for team with id team_id.
  • dimension(): TrackingFrame.dimension('x') will return a TrackingFrame only containing the columns with data on the x axis.
  • players(): TrackingFrame.players('field') will return a TrackingFrame only containing the columns with data for the field players (excluding goalkeeper). TrackingFrame.players() will return a TrackingFrame containing the data for all players but drop all the other columns.
  • phase(): TrackingFrame.phase(defending_team=team_id) will return a Series with True on the frames the team with id team_id was defending and False otherwise.
  • stretched(): TrackingFrame.stretched(50) will return a Series with True on the frames the stretched of the values in the columns of the TrackingFrame is higher than the threshold.

Since all these methods can be chained, is you want to get the x coordinates of field players for team with id team_id, you can do:'x')


A CodeballFrame that holds event data.


  • type(): This allows to filter by thetype column. EventsFrame.type('PASS') will return a EventsFrame only containing the rows that correspond to PASS type events.
  • result(): This allows to filter by theresult column. EventsFrame.result('COMPLETE') will return a EventsFrame only containing the events with result COMPLETE
  • into(), starts_inside(), starts_outside(), ends_inside(), ends_outside(): are all similar. They take one or more Zones or Area(see the tactical section) and filter events depending on whether they start, end, etc in that Zones. Zones will be able to be defined by the user, or use any of the ones defined in the package (link to Tactical) module to be added later to the documentation.

These methods can also be chained, so if you wanted to filter by completed passes into the opponents box you can do:



A CodeballFrame that holds codes from an xml file.

The columns present on this CodeballFrame will depend on how your XML is format, but as a general rule you'll see one row per code, with columns for the code_id, timestamp, end_timestamp, code (name) and then one column for each tag.